Year 3
Welcome to Year 3!
The home of inspirational Sportspeople
Class Simmonds - The Class Teacher is Ms Baxter
Class Farah - The Class Teacher is Ms Boden
- Every morning the children engage in a Wake-Up task. Please ensure your child arrives promptly to school so that they do not miss out on their start to the day. These activities begin from 8.35am.
- Please ensure your child comes to school in the correct uniform that is labelled, a bag for their belongings, labelled home-packed lunch if they are not ordering a school meal and a labelled water bottle.
- Children need to bring their own pencil case with the listed equipment, which can be bought from the school office if necessary - please see information leaflet below.
- Please ensure the children bring their school diary to school every day and you sign this on a weekly basis.
- Children with long hair need their hair tied up - please bring spare hair ties to school.
- Snacks for playtime should be healthy!
- Handwriting pens should be blue.
- Please check your child's glue regulary - we are trying to teach the not to overuse glue.
- Please sharpen pencils at home to save learning time in lessons.
PE Lessons
- All children need to come to school wearing the correct PE kit
- Simmonds have PE on Thursdays and Fridays
- Farah have PE on Mondays and Thursdays
- Thursdays are outdoor PE lessons with coach James from BRS - on colder days, unless it is heavy rain, PE is still outside - think about vest/base layers under school PE tops and coats.
What's coming up?
- The Learner of the Week will be announced this Friday in Celebration Assembly - who will it be? The child's name will appear in the next newsletter.
- The winners of the class reads will be announced this Friday in Celebration Assembly - we hope it will be a class from Year 3!
- Roman experience day - Tuesday 5th November (details to follow)
Update - Weeks 5 and 6
The children LOVED our visit from the Ancient Technology centre. Thank you to every parent who donated much-needed funds for this experience to go ahead. It is also thanks for the increased donations which means our Roman day will take place Tuesday 5th November. Details will follow soon. The children gain so much learning from these days and they really bring the history alive for the children.
We will add photos soon once the Office has given us details of permission form consent.
Year 3 took part in their first outdoor learning session which focused on map reading skills with Miss Smith. The children now know which way north is - so when you next collect your child from school at home time, ask them to point to the north!
The children have read chapters 1 and 2 of our Guided Reading text, 'The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark'. Ask your child what the little boy told Plop about.
In Maths the children are learning a new method when adding by using the column method. This is taught as another strategy to solve addition problems. Other teaching methods are using our Base 10 concrete materials, Part-Whole diagram and creating number lines.
Our poetry English unit finished and we were immensely proud of how many children challenged themselves to use more creative vocabulary choices to create an imaginary world. Our new unit will focus on writing detailed instructions with a humourous edge to engage the reader. One of the text drivers will be the BFG - you may like to show your child some movie clips or read the book together so they understand the story events in preparation for their writing.
Update Week 4
This week the children enjoyed Story time with Andrew Moffatt and he asked some interesting questions that were very thought-provoking. The story centered on a book called, 'The Hueys in the New Jumper', by Oliver Jeffers.
The You Tube video is below. See what your child thinks about being different and if they can identify how to help an outsider.
This week in their art lessons, the children enjoyed using charcoal to draw an image based on the Stone Age. The children will take these home at the end of the half term.
We have the Ancient Technology Centre team booked for Tuesday 1st October. Please read the email from Mrs Randall about the funding. The school cannot afford to pay for experience days using the school budget as funds are incredibly tight. We may need to cancel the Tree House Theatre Company in November for our Roman Day should the school not have enough contributions.
During the week, your child may have mentioned they completed various booklets. These are for our baseline assessments so we can analyse the Key Stage 1 content they have retained to move on in our Year 3 curriculum.
In English this week, the children planned their poetry based on various poems by Robert Louis Stevenson. Next week, we will write our poems and this will be the children's first English unit of work complete. They have engaged very well with the poems and are beginning to understand the Durran grid.
Update Week 3
This week has been full of many exciting lessons. In Music, the children LOVED playing the BOOM WHACKERS! They understood the musical terms, major, minor, note, scale and chord. The children played the boom whackers in small groups and we are so excited about the following lessons in the unit.
On page 99 of your child's school diary, you will be able to see which spellings are highlighted in pink that your child CAN spell. We would recommend you begin learning the unhighlighted words by focusing on a few at a time.
The children have been amazing in our Maths lessons and have adapted to the structure of the lesson, working in Maths buddies, individually, completing explore tasks to journal their mathematical ideas and completing their own workbook.
At the end of our first chapter, Numbers to 1000, we have noticed many children are unable to spell numbers in words. Please practise learning to spell the following numbers at home for some additional Maths home learning:
Twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred, thousand.
In our retrieval tasks we need to repeat the following objectives, to improve the chidlren's counting skills:
Counting in 10s from any three digit number, e.g. 345, 355, 365, 375
Counting in 100s from any three digit number, e.g. 306, 406, 506, 606
Counting in fifties, e.g. 0, 50, 100, 150……650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900
Next week in our art lesson, the children will need a medium-sized pebble/stone so that they can draw a scene in the style of Stone Age drawings using charcoal. Please bring this in on Monday ready for our Tuesday lesson.
Next week, each class will be taught by Mr Wakeford for 30 minutes for an arithmetic lesson based on his observations of the year group's needs, alongside each Class Teacher. We will also be assessing the children's knowledge and understanding in their reading, spelling, grammar, punctuation, Maths arithmetic and reasoning. It will be a busy week for the children. The week ends with House Captain speeches and voting.
For those who can attend the carnival this Saturday, we hope you have an amazing time.
Update Weeks 1 and 2
WOW! Year 3 you are amazing! What a fantastic start you have made. We have seen so many happy children and really well settled into the school routines in only a few days. We really hope your child is sharing some positive news about school life and their learning journeys in some of the subjects already.
The children have begun writing their personal spellings on page 107 in their diaries for you to support them learning their bespoke words. These words may be linked to our topics or common exception words.
Next week we shall be looking at words on page 101 of the children's diaries - please do not mark in this at home. This is for the children to record in school, alongside the Class Teacher.
The children are reading book band books or having a phonics assessment this week.
Children have started their Maths No Problem workbooks. They even have their own book marks to help them with recording their numerals correctly and finding their page quickly.
The children have enjoyed some assemblies with different members of staff.
Mr Wakeford has visited both classes and is really pleased with the Maths learning taking place, the children's eagerness to explain their thinking to their buddy and making an amazing start at recording their thinking in different ways in their Maths Journal.
Mrs Cason is really pleased that Year 3 are focused on their learning and very settled. She has spotted that the children are learning new vocabulary words and have started their learning in English.
Thank you to all parents that attended the 'Meet the Teacher' presentation. The presentation notes are attached at the bottom of this page.
Children enjoyed their first Online Safety lesson this week as part of the COmputing curriculum. They understood why passwords and passcodes are important to keep things safe, including data on a computing device. The children understand that passwords need to be simple to remember but not easy to guess. The children will be creating their own Google passwords this week to access the school system for future Computing lessons. Please practice using a computer mouse at home, if possible in preparation for our word Processing lessons after Christmas.
First aid incidents are logged by the school Office. You will be notified if your child bumps their head.
TTRS log ins will be sent home - week 2. Please practice regulary at home - a few minutes daily and the children will be able to recall lots of times table facts quickly in no time. In the Maths section on our class page there are Maths Time tables cover songs - check out the link for some catchy songs for learning times tables!
Maths home learning will be out tomorrow, Friday 13th September!
Enjoy reading about some aspects of our curriculum