School Council
School Council
Our School Council are very keen and hardworking. They work alongside Mrs Smalley to help drive improvements and give her an honest viewpoint about changes that they would like to see or ideas on how the school can raise money and make positive changes.
The School council aims to have 3 focuses each year:
- The school and local community
- The National community
- The International community
Children in Need!
The children worked really hard on Children in Need day to raise funds for those less fortunate than ourselves. We managed to dress up in spots, stripes and an array of bright colours to support the cause as well as holding a bake sale, taking part in 'The Big Move' lead by Joe Wicks and creating a huge Pudsey head made out of 2p, 1p and 5p coins! Thank you to all the parents that supported us in this event. It was fantastic!
Our giant Pudsey head !
Anti-Bullying Week 12-16th November
School council have been discussing how important this week is and have agreed to taking part in 'Odd sock' day on Monday 12th November, as a way of signifying that we are all different and that is something we should celebrate and be proud of!
During the week we will also be discussing the concept of respect in our classes and will be creating our own pledge wall that will show our commitment to supporting each other and not wanting bullying behaviour in our school!