Coin Purses
During the Autumn term the focus will be on Textiles in D.T. The project will be to design and make their own coin purse. To do this the children will explore different fabrics and their suitability for the project as well as how they could fasten their purse to ensure they are secure. They will learn all about appliques, seam allowance and different stitches so that they can apply these to their designs. At the end of the unit, every child will have created their own purse which could securely hold money.
Gift Boxes
Throughout Spring the children will learn all about shell structures in order to design and make their own gift boxes. They will start by learning what a shell structure is and investigating shell structures that they use every day such as egg and cereal boxes. We explore what a net is by carefully taking apart existing boxes and putting them back together before deciding on the type of net they would need to create their own boxes. Then investigating how they could strengthen paper using ribbing, corrugating and laminating methods, followed by how to correctly score and fold the strengthened paper to create their gift boxes.
Sensational Sandwiches
Moving into the summer term.