Year 6
Welcome to Year 6!
The home of inspirational artists
Picasso: Mr Wakeford, Mrs Smalley
Kidston: Mrs Priest, Mrs Beusmans
Our lovely support staff: Ms Parker, Mrs Lammas
House Captains
Congratulations to our new house captains! The children all did themselves proud by putting themselves forward in the elections to become a house captain. Learning about speech writing in English lessons, we were inspired by impactful speeches and analysed why they were effective and the language they used. All the children wrote their speeches to have an emotional effect on their audience. Well all heard their speeches in house assemblies and votes were cast.
Well done to Jasper and Aaliyah - Rufus house, Keziah and Eli - Monmouth house, Henry and Ella - Tyrrell house, Oliver and Sophie - Lisle house.
The Great Greeks
In our history learning we have been investigating 'How have so many aspects of Ancient Greek culture survived until today?'
Politics, architecture, language, sport, theatre, philosophy, beliefs and maths are just some of the many things that have influenced the modern day.
We have been inspired by Ancient Greek architecture, and using careful observations of light and shadow, have produced stunning art pieces of of buildings including figures depicting Ancient Greek life on the frieze - a decorative area above the columns and below the roofline.
The Wolf Wilder
We have been loving reading our class text of Wolf Wilder. The Wolf Wilder is full of wonderful and memorable characters, but none so much as Feo herself, who is determined, a little bit wild and fiercely independent. Author Katherine Rundell brilliantly captures the wildness of childhood, and the bravery required to get through it. It's a story of revolution and adventure, about standing up for the things you love and fighting back. And, of course, wolves. Will the corrupt Russian army general Rakov capture Feo? Will her wolves save her and her mother?
Year 6 Curriculum overview
SATs information evening
Final Osmington Parents Info Evening
Osmington 2024
Day 1
We have arrived!! The children were so excited and once we had put luggage into the rooms, we went down to the beach to eat some lunch. We then had a tour of the site, played some benchball, had our dinner (which was loved by everyone) and have been doing a team scavenger hunt by torchlight. We also sang 'Happy Birthday' to Alfie and had some birthday cake. Everyone is now back in their rooms getting ready for bed. They have settled brilliantly and have really enjoyed the day. We are all looking forward to tomorrow.
Day 2
Waking up this morning, everyone was excited for the day ahead. We filled up on a huge breakfast, which everyone enjoyed, before starting our first full day. Half the groups travelled the short distance to the Olympic site in Portland for the Giant SUPs, and half stayed on site for fencing and the terrifying giant swing, swapping over after meeting up for lunchtime.
All the children braved the October waters and really enjoyed the games, the songs and even 'falling in!' We had some lovely comments from the instructors about how some overcame a nervous start, but came away laughing and feeling proud of their achievements. The giant swing was a big hit with everyone, although we were surprised you didn't hear some of the screams back home as the child sailed high in the air!
The children are all enjoying a campfire sing-song this evening before bed and another action packed day tomorrow.
Day 3
Back on the water today for everyone - Dragon Boat racing! Some even got a ride in the power boats. This morning we were joined by Mrs Johnson and Mrs Priest (looking too fresh-faced and rested for the rest of us staff!). We have continued to work on stretching ourselves out of those comfort zones, with the help of our peers cheering us on - Mrs Cason wouldn't have made it to the top today without the children cheering her on! All the staff have been proud of how the children have approached new challenges and refined those teamwork skills - Laser Tag however involved some sneaky tactics. Parents, as well as wet clothes, there will probably be a pile of sand coming home too, as the children crawled through that in their excitement to defend their bases.
Another superb day is over here at Osmington PGL as all are settling down in their PJs after a games tournament this evening. Goodnight. ZZZZZzzzzzzzz
Day 4
The children have been AMAZING!!! They continue to push themselves out their comfort zones and demonstrate resilience, determination and incredible team work. They've conquered some fears and achieved things they didn't think were possible all while showing great support and encouragement for each other. We are, yet again, really proud of team PJS. The day started with the most beautiful sunrise and a walk along the beach collecting fossils and unusual stones. We then had a mixture of abseiling (Well done, Mrs Priest), climbing (Well done, Mrs Cason), laser tag, zip wire, aeroball. Now we are all disco ready and have spent our money in the shop. See you all tomorrow!!