'How to Catch a Precious Dream'
The next writing outcome that the children have been working so hard on is based on Roald Dahl's The BFG. They have been looking into why catching a precious dream is so important. The focus is to write a list of instructions that make the reader feel compelled to capture the dream and keep it safe.
We use Durran Grids to support the children's learning and writing. Over the course of their lessons they add the key learning from that lesson so that when they come to write their final piece they have the support they need. They use this as well as their plan to remind them of what they need to include.
Below is an example of a completed Durran Grid from this outcome:
Our writing outcome for Autumn 1 is based on the poem, 'A Child's Thoughts' by Lewis Stephenson.
Our MUST USE for all writing tasks throughout the curriculum include:
Finger Spaces
Captial letters
Full Stops
Recommended Reading List for Year 3
Useful websites: